Till Next Year

Till Next Year
by cricketjeff on January 2, 2011.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
And now, at last, it’s over we can pack it all away
The tinsel and the fairy lights and games no-one will play
The turkey’s almost finished though we’ve got a lot more ham
I’m getting sick of too rich cakes, I want some bread and jam.

The tree is shedding needles so we’ll pitch it out the door
And take down all the Christmas cards, put candles back in store
Recycle empty bottles, well you have to have a drink,
Then polish all the glasses that are clogging up the sink.

New Year arrived with singing and a party popper spree
But now it’s time to settle down and watch a DVD
I’ve got a dozen books to read and oooo there’s sweets to eat
The winter will be warmer with these slippers on my feet

I nipped out for some shopping, out of things like milk and bread
And now a dreadful image is at large inside my head
No sooner have we rid ourselves of all the Christmas elves
Than hoards of retail drones are putting Easter eggs on shelves!

Author notes
Actually they started putting them on the shelves before Christmas, but I tried
to ignore that!
