Touching you
by cricketjeff on August 8, 2009. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Each evening, when it’s time for bed, you kiss the Moon goodnight;
The morning comes and you embrace the sun.
I wish that I was in the sky, a source of global light,
Then you’d kiss me instead of anyone.
And when it rains I’d be the rain and trickle down your face;
That last delicious raindrop that stays lingering in place.
Each day when you head off to work your feet caress the street,
Though maybe that’s now quite the place for me.
Or having lunch sat in the park, I wish I was the seat,
When you sat down my thoughts would wander free.
And in the snow, the snowflake that you capture with your tongue
To be your taste of winter would make me forever young.
You stand to watch a rainbow, I could be the softest red
Or gentle blue and wrap you up in sky.
The pillow that’s beneath your cheek, each night when you’re in bed;
A breath of wind that makes you want to fly.
So many things around us that can be with you today
But I am lost in loving you and stranded far away.
The water in a swimming pool, or maybe in your shower,
The towel you use to dry your perfect skin.
If you want scent and beauty I could be a single flower.
The brand new book you’re waiting to begin.
I wish that I was everything that’s nearer you than me,
The only way I touch you is in this, my poetry.
Author notes
I was sent a link to a Shania Twain song called I’m jealous. I don’t do
jealousy but I loved the sentiment [Posts%20by%20cricketjeff%202_files/