The Actress
by cricketjeff on November 10, 2010. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Although I know her promises are lies,
Apologies intended to assuage,
I live for every moment in her eyes;
She lives on all the compliments each buys,
And I am pleased to offer her this wage,
Although I know her promises are lies.
She kisses me and expectation flies,
While she could never thrive inside my cage,
I live for every moment in her eyes.
I couldn’t live beside an angel’s sighs
So I believe her words upon the page;
Although I know her promises are lies.
The consummate professional she tries
To be the only actress on the stage
I live for every moment in her eyes.
A happy fool who gets to keep the prize,
The only one who’ll get to see her age,
Although I know her promises are lies
I live for every moment in her eyes.
Author notes
Damn but villanelles are hard! I know what it was like in my head, but it
hasn’t come out quite that way, too stuttering, but I’ll work at it