The best time of the year
by cricketjeff on May 24, 2009. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
And on such days as this
When summer sun makes golden windows gleam
The bees delight the purple clematis
And fools wear smiles of Häagen-Dazs ice-cream
Our little pond has froglets by the score
And sparrows dart from feeder to their nests
Most pretty girls wear tee shirts I adore
That make the most of nicely curving breasts
And on such days as this
When sunlight dapples paths between the flowers
A glass of wine is surely part of bliss
While test match special eats away the hours
The park is filled with children and their dads
And boys and girls hit cricket balls with glee
The teenage girls show off their latest fads
Until it’s time for grandma’s house for tea
And on such days as this
It’s evening in the garden of the pub
You hope that there will be a friendly kiss
And drinks accompany much needed grub
The ducks still hope for extra crumbs of bread
While sunlight fades and single stars appear
A final drink then heading home for bed
This really is the best time of the year
Author notes
OK so it’s probably too long [Posts%20by%20cricketjeff%202_files/happy.gif]