The Christmas Morning Concerto
by cricketjeff on December 29, 2015. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The sounds of tearing paper, screams of happiness soon after;
Two foxes fight for glory on the lawn.
A fed-up father’s moaning and a lot more children’s laughter,
It’s Christmas morning just before the dawn.
No cars, no people rushing and no need to be awake –
Just life reflecting memories of childhood’s give and take.
A hint of silver sunlight and the blackbird’s happy singing,
The parakeets and magpies aren’t so sweet.
Next door more rips and crashes as the church bells start their ringing,
A cup of tea would make the scene complete.
So silently I struggle to the kitchen and the day,
Where roars of boiling water wash all other sounds away.
With milk and mugs and teapots there’s a heap of shortbread biscuit,
Just tea for me, my wife likes “Lady Grey”.
I ought to watch my diet but I know I’m going to risk it,
No point in being good on Christmas Day.
Outside one fox surrenders and the other yaps his win
I pour my mug of nectar; let festivities begin!