The Honourable Members!

The Honourable Members!
by cricketjeff on March 30, 2009.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Four thousand a week for the pair
So little complaining’s unfair
If not for expenses
And counting the pences
They’d not have a fortune to spare

A sister who’s got a spare room
Would languish around in the gloom
But Jaqui’s a smarty
The toast of her party
Her family fortunes go zoom!

When porns on the box you must pay
That’s not a politico’s way
We’ll pick up the ticket
There’s no sticky wicket
MPs always think they’re OK

Hypocrisy’s not such a crime
The press do it all of the time
If we’re disaffected
They’re not re-elected
The pension is simply sublime!!!

Author notes
British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith’s husband, employed at her office on 40,000
pounds per year at tax-payer’s expense, has been caught hiring porno movies and
also putting them on tax-payer’s expense. Let’s have some verses to commemorate
this statesmanlike behaviour. I think limericks would be most suitable, but
anything that works will do.
