The misadventures of a Knave

The misadventures of a Knave
by cricketjeff on June 11, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Old Allun the rapscallion knave
Was sneaky but sometimes quite brave
He rode on a donkey
(its stride length was wonky)
To search for a maiden to save

Of regular measures foresook
And charged before taking a look
No need for a weapon
Where he would be step’n
He only fought duels in a book

He knew all the answers before
Was certain with ladies he’d score
His spirit was willing
His looks weren’t that thrilling
Most ladies would need something more

He found one who suited his size
Not blessed with the greatest of eyes
So ready for action
That one small attraction
Was welcome to open her thighs

As soon as his action was done
Old Allun was pleased with his fun
Then wasn’t so happy
His “girl” was a chappy
For Allun a new tale’s begun

Author notes
I don’t know anyone called Allun
