The Politicians’ Villanelle
by cricketjeff on October 1, 2017. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
On politics my thoughts are not profound
But fundamental to my point of view –
The botty-burp is not a friendly sound.
When politicians crawl out from the ground,
I wonder if we’re needing something new.
On politics my thoughts are not profound.
‘Cause all I see’s another news-bite hound
Who seems to speak from — I’ll give you a clue –
The botty-burp is not a friendly sound.
The moderate’s balloon is often downed
By crowd-drunk fools whose shattered dreams need glue.
On politics my thoughts are not profound.
Pile all of the them upon a steaming mound
And let them rot to an unholy goo.
The botty-burp is not a friendly sound.
Perhaps the modern World is u-bend bound
And dreadful stinks are all the voter’s due.
On politics my thoughts are not profound;
The botty-burp is not a friendly sound.