The President is \-Nearly\- Six Years Old

The President is (Nearly) Six Years Old
by cricketjeff on November 4, 2020.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
I won this race because I say I won it
The rules don’t count – it has to go my way.
A thing is done when I first say I’ve done it,
Reality means “everything I say”.

Don’t count the votes of those who don’t support me;
They aren’t important, only my side counts.
It’s cheating if you vote for those who’ve fought me
The other side all cheat in vast amounts.

The news is FAKE! I know I am the winner
Why wait for liars and their dreadful facts.
Joe Biden is a fraud, a con, a sinner,
Who only lives to launch these gross attacks.

The only thing the country needs to know –
I’m President for life so I won’t go!.

Author notes
Stop counting as soon as I’m ahead seems to be the message from the leader of
“The World’s Greatest Democracy”
