The Route to Riches
by cricketjeff on February 27, 2015. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
We went to church and made a lot of noise,
I could have played some games with other boys,
But Mum and Dad said “church for you”
And I spent Sunday on a pew;
So now you have to give me all your toys.
The reverend droned on for hours and hours,
He talked of little animals and flowers,
But sermonising’s not for me,
I knelt and prayed incessantly,
For god to grant me lots of magic powers.
The man in front was carrying a gun,
And god told me that I should have some fun.
I took that weapon for my own,
Or maybe just on long term loan,
Now kneel down and tell me I’m the ONE!
Religion is the route to better life,
To money, status and a trophy wife.
If you have faith in god above,
And give your fate a gentle shove,
You too can work around the daily strife!
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