The things we are asked to do
by cricketjeff on May 16, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
A song without rhyme is like bread without butter
Dry and unint’resting, flat as a board
Wasting your time at race with no flutter
An actor who’s resting and always ignored
Rhyme is the spice that makes singing exciting
Tickles the tune and then tackles the notes
It will sound nice with its homophones biting
A good rhyming croon will get all of the votes
But I have been asked to write songs without rhyming
Goodness knows why must that is daft as a brush
So all of the task is keep metrical timing
Don’t go all shy and run home in a rush
The games that are set and the people who set them
Puzzle me greatly though goodness knows why
It is with regret I admit I don’t get them
Been getting worse lately is this time to fly?