The Timeless Plot

The Timeless Plot
by cricketjeff on November 24, 2013.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved

There’s a timeless plot in England where the nights are never cold,
Where the air is still more precious than the sunset’s beaten gold,
Where the breeze that stirs the branches underlines a blackbirds song
And the endless whirr of traffic never hurries life along.
In this spot you’ll find a table nestled underneath a tree
Close besides a rustic love-seat and a touch of mystery.
If you’re silent as you stand there, with romance inside your heart,
You will hear the distant whispers of a tale about to start.
In the shadows in that garden you may find a half-lost friend
Who has found the same soft Eden where a broken heart can mend.
When the evening glow has darkened into gentle summer night
You may see your friend start smiling in the silver lunar light.
And perhaps you’ll wake tomorrow having tasted the divine
Full of love that you discovered when the Moon poured down her wine.

Author notes

This poem relates to several others of mine, most particularly to The_Moon
Pours_White_Wine and its prequels_and_sequels.

I think you will find it looks better on the traditional form of this site
rather then on the dreadful beta that Kevin is foisting upon us all.
