Under that poem

Under that poem
by cricketjeff on October 11, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
With bugger all to do but lots to say
A glass of beer was always by his side;
He helped the English language on its way.

His poetry, the greatest of the day;
Economy that cannot be denied,
With bugger all to do but lots to say.

His Villanelle is always on display –
His feelings for the dying hard to hide.
He helped the English language on its way.

He gave the BBC its greatest play,
In Richard Burton’s voice the lines just glide,
With bugger all to do but lots to say.

It’s sad he could not have a longer stay,
He used up all the time that was supplied,
He helped the English language on its way.

A modern eye may look on in dismay
And call his habits almost suicide,
With bugger all to do but lots to say
He helped the English language on its way.

Author notes
A villanelle in tribute to Dylan Thomas

Llareggub, the setting for his play Under milk wood, is bugger all backwards
the name intended to imply there was bugger all to do.
