Unintended Outcomes
by cricketjeff on April 16, 2011. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
She knew he was a veteran debaucher
But she was not a naive debauchee.
The tabloids labelled her a red hot scorcher,
She’d targeted her latest rich scorchee.
The willing fool fell victim to her scheming —
Convinced he’d found a foolish little girl.
His friends could not persuade him he was dreaming,
So sure was he she’d drown within his whirl.
But Cupid has a wicked sense of humour,
And sprays his magic darts mischievously.
An honest love between groomee and groomer,
Though each of them had started deviously.
Each hunter was the other’s eager prey —
They’re still together to this very day
Author notes
Sorry don’t do reserves but I have three 9 letter Ds for you
Debaucher, debauchee and deviously, the first two were the “inspiration” but
the other fitted too.