Where a cheeky grin can lead

Where a cheeky grin can lead
by cricketjeff on September 18, 2007.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
I like a girl with a sexy pout
Especially if she’ll take me out
A better girl has a sexy grin
Especially if she’ll keep me in!

      We know you delight in a sexy grin
      Is it an invite to one night of sin
      Or maybe just pleasure at seeing the sight
      Of the look on your face as she turns out the light!

            Your sexy grin I’d like to see
            When you get the door for me
            But there’s one thing I insist upon
            Don’t touch the light, I want it on!!!

      I didn’t know your sight was bad
      I thought you were a wholesome lad
      But just for you the light can stay
      You’ll need no help to find your way!!!

            My sight, though aging, is still fine
            But like a vintner tasting wine
            Each of my senses joins the queue
            They want to have their fill of you!

      Like a wine I need to rest
      For you to taste me at my best
      A honey nectar on your lips
      As from my glass you take sweet sips

            Although I’ve tasted far too few
            I want to try each wine that’s new
            So I’ll take care to treat you right
            Then taste your sweetness through the night

      Full bodied and a blousy blonde
      I know we’ll form a special bond
      A connoisseur of all things fine
      A taster and his special wine

            Not too dry, I like things sweet
            Well rounded taste, the buds to greet
            Then I hope to get some more
            Its special depths I will explore

      Be careful not to spill a drop
      There comes a time you’ll have to stop
      All liquor drunk you’ll be replete
      You know I’ll keep you off your feet

            I’m sure I’ll catch each tiny drip
            With searching tongue or careful lip
            Until you have no more to give
            Within your spirit I will live

      Replenish me will be your task
      Re-fill me from your hidden cask
      Imbibe me slowly take your fill
      For both a sweet and pleasurable thrill

            I’ll take great pleasure in that role
            Your great reward will be my goal
            I’ll never from that task relent
            No slice of time is better spent

      I hope I’ll always satisfy
      Your need, your thirst, until you die
      So hold me, never let me go
      My nectar for you will ever flow

            An offer like that who can refuse
            A perfect lady I can choose
            Who wants to live within my arms
            And offer to me her special charms
