Where my Wimsey takes me

Where my Wimsey takes me
by cricketjeff on April 11, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Son of a Duke and a hero of war
But quicker and fitter than most of his class
Haunted by shell shock, the need to restore
Carries a cane and a comic eyeglass

Bunter his valet is key to the man
Both of them take to the job though it’s hard
Made lots of cash with a property plan
Now helping Parker and Old Scotland Yard

Aren’t many murders or chases and guns
High class detection, and plain common sense
Wonderful writing, a few latin puns
And always conclusions are suitably tense

The inter-war years are presented in style
A master detective makes this poet smile

Harriet Vane whom he saved from the noose
The lady he loves and eventually weds
Earlier on there’s a hint he makes loose
And finds relaxation in several beds

Saving his brother, who’s doltish and slow
His nephew is raffish wins ladies with charm
Mary his sister gives Parker a go
Eventually life will be perfectly calm

Go read the Nine Tailors, and then Gaudy Night
Get lost in a world where the good guy’s on top
Murder must advertise, title so right
I pick up a book and I hope it won’t stop

Lord Peter Wimsey, Detective, the best
Read Dorothy Sayers, forget all the rest!
